San Diego Comic-Con 2023 – Todo lo que debes saber sobre el evento. 🤖

San Diego Comic-Con 2023 – Everything you need to know about the event. 🤖

For a few days now, various controversies have been occurring that, without a doubt, endanger the panels that, it is assumed, had already been set up for this year's San Diego International Comic-Con. The event itself had already suffered some inconveniences due to certain decisions that had been made in a short time, regarding some panels; With this fact, it is ultimately expected that the largest convention on comics, movies, video games, Japanese culture and more, will suffer from some serious inconveniences.

We only hope that what is happening does not affect the number of attendees at the event too much, and that those who can go enjoy the experience that, for several years, has become very promising for entertainment lovers.

And do you already know what day you can go to Comic-Con or when the panels that interest you will be presented? Do you know what will happen with those presentations that you have been waiting for so long and if they are still scheduled on the calendar?

This is everything you need to know about San Diego Comic-Con 2023.

Dates and Times

Let's start with those facts that every fan needs to know, especially if they had already purchased their ticket and were thinking of attending, even for one day, the event.

The days you must set aside to go to the convention are: Thursday, July 20, until Sunday, July 23 . As you can see, Comic-Con is just around the corner, so organize your time because the pre-sale will end very soon.

Regarding the schedule that will be managed for the exhibitions, you have to know that the organizers of the event decided that, although Comic-Con officially begins on the 20th, there will be a preview of activities from Wednesday the 19th in the afternoon. That's right, with a schedule of 4:00 pm that day they will begin with the workshops and some activities.

Taking these details into account, the schedule, both the visit and the one that covers some panels, would look like this:

Wednesday 20th (Previous night)

4:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Thursday 9:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Friday 9:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Saturday 9:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Sunday 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Regarding ticket costs to go to the event, the adult badge is around $75 per day, from Thursday to Saturday and $50 on Sunday. Of course, the event has always taken into account the little ones and the elderly. For youth ages 13 to 17, seniors over 60, and active duty military, the ticket will cost $37 per day from Thursday to Saturday and $25 on Sunday. Do you have any children? Children under 12 years old, regardless of their height, enter for free.

Knowing that, now you will be able to organize your activities without problems. Don't forget to take into account the panels of those companies that are interested in learning about their future projects, especially if you have decided to attend some of those presentations.

Most anticipated events and panels

Although major companies such as Disney, HBO, Sony Pictures, Universal Pictures and Netflix announced that they would not be attending this year's Comic-Con, other entertainment giants such as Warner Bros., Amazon, Apple and NBC have not yet announced their complete absence from the convention, at least so far.

On the other hand, those who seem to be ready for their respective panels are our friends at Paramount Pictures, with the long-awaited presentation of "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem", and DC Comics.

The latter announced a few days ago that their participation would be important at the San Diego Comic-Con, since they would have various panels where the future of their productions would be discussed, in addition to the world premiere screening of their next animated film. "Justice League: Warworld".

As you can see, although Comic-Con will not have some panels, it will not be completely empty of news.

And speaking of events, Comic-Con announced a few months ago that the convention would host the celebration for the 30th anniversary of the movie “Jurassic Park,” so Universal Products & Experiences and Amblin Entertainment prepared a free event for two days, where fans will have the opportunity to experience some of the most iconic scenes from the film, among which the appearance of the Tyrannosaurus rex and a certain toilet seat could not be missed. Are you interested? The event will be called Welcome to Jurassic Park, so if you decide to go to this year's Comic-Con you can enjoy the experience.

And speaking of the panels that have been cancelled, what do you think if we get into the controversy of the event and the consequences that attendees will clearly suffer during the round tables and other appearances.

Panels missing

Just as they read it. Thanks to the problems that have been suffered for a few months, and that culminated, first with the strike of the Hollywood screenwriters union, and since last Thursday, with the strike of the Hollywood actors union, many fans and attendees of the San Diego's most famous event couldn't help but worry about the future of the roundtables, entertainment panels and other appearances.

What would happen to them? Well, we already have the answer. Before the strikes, Disney, HBO and the other networks had confirmed their attendance, but now that the problem became bigger, they decided to decline the invitation due to the uncertainty of the outlook, and the clear lack of actors that will be experienced within the event. .

Not only has this become a concern for Comic-Con, but attendees are also suffering the consequences of such a situation. Of course, some have already asked for a refund of their tickets, but the organizing company has been very clear about that. There will be no refunds within days of the event, since that option ended in mid-March.

Let's hope that what happened does not greatly affect the convention, and that attendees can enjoy those days full of contests, cosplay and shopping without problems.

And that's it for today's entry. If you are interested in knowing what will happen with the largest entertainment event in the world, be sure to follow us.

Stay tuned.

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